Disney's animated Rapunzel musical (Skip the 3D, save money.)
7WR: Gorgeously rendered central image / conflict. Tonal slips. B+
[More to come on this one soon. Sorry for wait.]
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger
Woody Allen's annual comedy. This one focuses on a failed writer (Josh Brolin) whose new work just doesn't measure up to the old (hmmmm) and the women in his life.
7WR: Woody, lazily confessing, quotes Shakespeare "...signifying nothing." D*
Inside Job
Oscar finalist documentary on the global economic crisis.
7WR: Dry, linear 'Recitation O' Horrors'. Beautifully shot. B
The Way Back
Peter Weir's true WWII era story of escapees from a Siberian work camp.
7WR: The walking dead; only haunts in stasis. B/B-
*That grade might be generous. It might be my second least favorite Woody Allen film. Nothing "tops" The Curse of the Jade Scorpion.
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